Why Juice?は、オリジナルのレシピによる搾りたてのフレッシュジュースで、忙しいあなたの健康をサポートします。
Why Juice? supports your health in the midst of your busy lifestyle with original-recipe juices.
We can regularly deliver to your home, office, cafe, shop, yoga studio, or anywhere you like.
We are also happy to discuss deliveries to events and parties as well as opportunities to open new stores.
Cold Pressed
*都内配達地域:店舗から約3キロ圏内。 *Delivery Areas: We deliver to certain areas of Tokyo, approximately 3km around the shop for a flat rate of 600 yen.
- 渋谷区 Shibuya Ward
- 渋谷、東、道玄坂、円山町、神泉町、桜丘町、鉢山町、南平台町、神南、宇田川町、鶯谷町、広尾、神宮前、恵比寿、恵比寿西、神山町、松濤、猿楽町、恵比寿南、代官山町、上原、富ヶ谷 Shibuya, Higashi, Dougenzaka, Maruyamacho, Shinsencho, Sakuragaoka, Hariyamacho, Nanpeidai, Jinnan, Udagawacho, Uguisucho, Hiroo, Jinguumae, Ebisu, Ebisu-Nishi, Ebisu-Minami, Kamiyamacho, Shoto, Sarugakucho, Daikanyama, Uehara, Tomigaya
- 港区 Minato Ward
- 西麻布、六本木、北青山、南青山 Nishiazabu, Roppongi, Kita-Aoyama, Minami-Aoyama
- 目黒区 Meguro Ward
- 目黒、駒場、大橋、東山、三田、上目黒、中目黒、青葉台、祐天寺、中町 Meguro, Komaba, Higashiyama, Mita, Kamimeguro, Nakameguro, Aobadai, Yutenji, Nakamachi

- For Office
Why not try our juices for your weekly breakfast meetings, or for breaks after lunch?
Delivery is free for 4 or more regular deliveries per month.- 対象商品:Cold Pressed Juice 6本~ Product: Cold Pressed Juice, 6 bottles or more
- 対象地域:都内配達地域 (*) Delivery Area: Certain areas within Tokyo(*)
- 配達時間:10:30 – 12:30 Delivery Hours: 10 :30 – 12 :30
- 配達料金:配達時間、配達料金は数量や場所に応じてお見積もり致します。 Price: 600 Yen flat fare within the area
- For Event
We deliver to events such as exhibitions and parties.
- 対象商品:Cold Pressed Juice 30本~ Product: Cold Pressed Juice, 30 bottles or more
- 対象地域:都内配達地域 (*) Delivery Area: Certain areas within Tokyo(*)
- 配達時間:10:30 – 12:30 Delivery Hours: 10 :30 – 12 :30
- 配達時間、配達料金は数量や場所に応じてお見積もり致します。 Cost and delivery time depends on the order amount. Please contact for details.

- For Home
また、大切な方へのギフトにもおすすめのボックスセットです。Buying in bulk for your home is an ideal way to introducing vegetable juice to your lifestyle.
Our boxed sets also make a great gift for your friends or loved ones.- 対象商品:Giftbox Set of 3, 6, 12 Product: Long-life Juice Giftbox, Set of 3, 6, and 12
- 対象地域:日本全国に宅急便で発送いたします。 Delivery Area: Throughout Japan
- 配送時間:午前、午後でご指定可能です。 Delivery Hours: Selectable between 8:00〜20:00
- 発送料金:全国一律 600円(重量・距離により 900円~) Price: Starts at 450 Yen within Tokyo, and vary depending on the area.
- For Office
Install a juice stand in your office to mitigate insufficient vegetable intake and support a healthy work life.
We also assist with sending multiple small gifts, such as for midsummer.- 対象商品:Long-life Juice 24本~ Product: Long-life Juice, minimum order of 24 bottles.
- 対象地域:日本全国に宅急便で発送いたします。 Delivery Area: Available throughout Japan
- 配達時間、配達料金は数量や場所に応じてお見積もり致します。 Cost and delivery time depends on the order amount. Please contact for details.
- For Shop
We are expanding our network of retail stores.
We also supply gift boxes containing a set number of bottles.- 対象商品:Long-life Juice 24本~ Product: Long-life Juice, minimum order of 24 bottles.
- 対象地域:日本全国に宅急便で発送いたします。 Delivery Area: Available throughout Japan
- 配達時間、配達料金は数量や場所に応じてお見積もり致します。 Cost and delivery time depends on the order amount. Please contact for details.
- For Yoga & Fitness Studio
People should consume plenty of vegetable nutrients after sport or exercise.
Why not stock our juice in your studio?- 対象商品:Long-life Juice 24本~ Product: Long-life Juice, minimum order of 24 bottles.
- 対象地域:日本全国に宅急便で発送いたします。 Delivery Area: Available throughout Japan
- 配達時間、配達料金は数量や場所に応じてお見積もり致します。 Cost and delivery time depends on the order amount. Please contact for details.
- For Event
We deliver to events such as exhibitions and parties.
- 対象商品:Long-life Juice 24本~ Product: Long-life Juice, minimum order of 24 bottles.
- 対象地域:日本全国に宅急便で発送いたします。 Delivery Area: Available throughout Japan
- 配達時間、配達料金は数量や場所に応じてお見積もり致します。 Cost and delivery time depends on the order amount. Please contact for details.